Wednesday 5 September 2012

Station 2 - Celebrities and Magazines

Station 2 - Celebrities and Magazines

This irritation spawns from walking past these brightly coloured, therefore hard to not notice, covers of these glossy magazines like heat. 

What the hell is all this following, all this constant in our faces prying into the lives of celebrities? The fuck is a celebrity anyway? Even that word annoys me. Celebrity. We just can't escape it can we? What does TV do to shows that aren't entertaining enough with normal people like me and you? They just throw CELEBRITY infront of it, these entertainers...and guess what! It becomes VASTLY less entertaining because we know exactly what they are going to say and exactly what they are going to do! How is that MORE entertaining? I like unpredictability. One time I was watching this gameshow called Golden Balls, and at 17:15pm or thereabouts, this woman called another woman a "bitch". Now, would celebrities do that? Course they wouldn't! Because they are held up by strings, yes, held up by the marionette gepettos called the magazines. 

Every time Russell Brand gets a new love interest...people fucking write about it! Why? Who is paying these people to write about this saturated load of bullshit? Fuck Russell Brand and everyone who likes him. I don't for the life of me understand why these team of editors, researchers, "writers" think we need to know or care about this. 

I will say it, if you read that utter slime, you don't deserve the ability to read because you are wasting your own eyesight and you should donate your sight to blind people who would kill (preferably people who read celebrity magazines) just to read the words of Dickens, and Shakespeare. REAL writers.

Don't stop there though, because even without eyes you are still exposed to the celebrity anti-world through...CELEBRITY NEWS on television. What is that exactly? Celebrity News. When Britney Spears shaved her hair off it was as if she had fucking died. (Even then it still would be hard pressed to be news) Let her shave her hair off! Let her shave her damn face off for christ sake! She's a grown woman. Fuck her. Who cares.

Apparently the Earth is being bombarded by meteors and asteroids every day. Loads of them. Why do they never hit anything useful? "Meteor the size of a car hits Heat magazine building" GOOD! Useful asteroid. "Meteor the size of a town hall hits News International building" GOOD! Useful asteroid. 

I don't believe in celebrities. I don't. That word doesn't exist in my world. I believe in "Exceptional professionals in the entertainment industry". Russell Brand is not one. He sucks. Ed Sheeran is not one. He sucks. Anyone that has anything to do with R'and'B is certainly not one. All these people are, are people who create this unintelligent, boring "material" that could be written by a 13 year old and sell it to people who are so mindless and have no standards in music and make millions of pounds and dollars from it, and sit in their mansions laughing about unbelievably stupid people must be to part with their money. 

Then there are this other critera, these other people who don't fit in with my criteria "Exceptional Professionals in the entertainment industry". I'll give you an example of one person in this group and you'll know the kind of people I'm talking about. Paris Hilton. Here's another: Kim Kardashian. WHO, THE FUCK ARE THESE PEOPLE? No really, tell me. What have they done? Why are they famous? Sex tapes? Is that what makes you famous now? Is that all we have to do? Did you ever notice how unbelievably STUPID people like those two are? Is that what makes you famous now? Being incomprehensibly stupid? They even have TV shows where the entertainment is derived from how stupid they are. 

If a child came up to me today and said "I want to be famous" I would say okay, don't go to school and let your boyfriend film you whilst he fucks you once you turn 18. Might help to have a super rich daddy aswell. "Don't I have to be talented?" they might ask me. No you don't kid, because talent is extinct and the heart that used to pump out all these glorious artists like The Beatles, Queen, David Bowie, The Rolling Stones, Etta James and so many many more is starting to fail because it's arteries are clogged up with this saturated fat that is the 21st century celebrity movement. 

Stay out the limelight boy, because it'll burst you into flames. 

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